As a FETC 2018 speaker, Nancy Conrad will present two sessions, “Fostering Career- and Citizenship-Readiness: Using Technology for Workforce Development” and “Global Engagement: Using Tech to Connect Students with the World“. For more information on her sessions, visit the FETC website here.
As the founder and leader of the Conrad Foundation, Nancy Conrad sees her mission as inspiring young minds to design their futures in the fields of aerospace, energy, cybertech, and health. She dreams of a global community of students across all cultures, national lines, barriers, and obstacles that will embrace her “No Box Thinking” philosophy that’s dedicated to inspirational and competency-based learning.
The Conrad Foundation’s “Conrad Design Method” was created to help students across the globe learn how to think and problem solve by providing an organic STEM framework that incorporates communication and collaboration tools to inspire innovation and entrepreneurship. It allows students and teachers to co-create and co-mentor with each other. As Nancy says, “When you open up an opportunity for young minds to solve challenges, you’ve opened up a whole new way to learn and inspire.”
The ultimate goal of the Conrad Foundation is to utilize the available tech that is such an intricate part of a student’s life today to grow a framework that can be used in classrooms around the world.
Nancy believes that by including the voice of young people in this dialog and debate, we can speed up the building of the framework, providing faster solutions to the challenges of the world. A quicker, more efficient collaborative process that not only thinks outside the box but approaches innovation without a proverbial box anywhere close to the conversation. Nancy wants to tie in the creativity and “unbounded nature” of young people to open up a whole new way of thinking that inspires solutions to the challenges of everyday life.
To watch the full interview, click here:
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Hear more from Nancy Conrad and other innovative analysts, thought leaders, and educators at the 2018 Future of Education Technology Conference (FETC), January 23 – 26 in Orlando, Florida. Learn more here.