10 Inspired Tech Trends Every Teacher Should Know About

EdSurge recently spoke with four educators to see what they were most excited about. Here’s what they shared:

The start of the school year means handing out course outline packets by the dozens. For the past few years, teachers have been sparing the printer and turning them into infographic syllabi. This year, though, … Read more here. 


Article features FETC Speaker:

Julie Daniel Davis serves as Director of Instructional Technology and Innovation at the largest private K-12 school in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Julie enjoys thinking about innovative ways to enhance education and then making them happen. As an educator, she is passionate about meeting student and teachers individual needs and taking them forward in their growth as lifelong learners. Somewhat of a futurist, she is never content with the now and is constantly striving to better the world she lives in. She is an instructional technology professional development leader/speaker, avid blogger, co-moderator of #TNEdChat twitter chat, organizing member of Edcamp Gigcity, and found of #CHAedu CoffeeEDU.

FETC Presentations:

C294 | Alexa and Google Assistant in the Classroom

$W210 | Embedded Professional Development?